3 Easy Ways to Make More Money in 2012!

Happy 2012! No doubt about it, business is more competitive than ever. These days you have to be one step ahead of your competition to succeed.

Here are 3 easy ways to stay ahead and make more money in 2012:

1. Add additional revenue streams. QR codes, mobile marketing, unique packaging, supplying uniforms and graphic design are just a few of the additional revenue streams you can offer your prospects and clients. Want more ideas? Ask your clients what additional services they would like you to provide. Always be looking for ways to be more full service.

2. Sell more to existing clients. Your current clients already know you, like you and trust you. They will always be the easiest sales to get. Contact them before every trade show and offer to be their personal shopper. Bring back samples and ideas. Ask for referrals into other departments. Stay top of the mind by sending marketing tips, white papers and interesting articles. Offer every current client a complimentary marketing check up. Treat your current best clients better. Reward them with small promotional gifts or better pricing for increased purchases.

3. Stay educated. Attend industry education sessions. Read business publications on and off-line. Pay attention to trends. Study your top prospects and clients businesses. Know their products, services, end-users and challenges. The more you know, the better you can help your clients achieve their promotional goals.

Looking for more ways to make more money in 2012? Attend my FREE Skyrocket Your Sales Webinar on January 26 with top industry experts. Discover hot new product ideas, QR code strategies, the newest trends in apparel and fresh sales tips that are guaranteed to help make more money. Get your next big idea. Plus, get exclusive offers, worth hundreds, from top 5 star rated suppliers. Go here to reserve your spot now. Register even if you can’t attend live and get the replay. For questions, contact me at [email protected]

What are you doing to increase your sales in 2012? What has worked for you in the past? Reply below.

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